Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 11 - "San Francisco Welcome"

We woke up and had a great breakfast of quiche, yogurt and bacon and were excited to explore the city. We crossed the bridge and embarked on our typical architectural sight seeing adventures and enjoyed seeing many of the "painted ladies" [san fran townhouses], beautiful neighborhoods, the city park, and a great hipster neighborhood. Kim got out and explored many of the vintage thrift stores and fell in love with a few feathered hats and 20's & 40's evening gowns! Andrew hung out in the car and got free WiFi from a nearby coffee shop and got the next few days of the trip organized. [He was so proud of all his work and really ticked it was stolen with the computer.]

Next, we went downtown to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art where they had a newly acquired collection of modem art from a family's recent HUGE donation. They now boast a fine display of works from Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Picasso, Monet, Giacometti, Robert Rauschenberg, Alexander Calder, and many other talented individuals! It was exciting to see so many beautiful pieces in person. Andrew especially liked the really bizarre experimental films and they captured his attention for much of our time in the museum. [It made us think of our talented friend Lydia Moyer and we hope to go visit her films in museum's some day soon!]

some work from the museum...
andy warhol
alexander calder sculpture

We got out of the museum just before 6pm when it closed that Sunday. When we got in the car and shut our doors we heard this noise that sounded like ice falling out of the cooler. We turned around to see the back window busted out and broken glass everywhere. It was was a pretty traumatic experience when we realized our laptop had been stolen along with Kim's bookbag which contained many other items, some of value to them like the electronics and some only of personal worth like the Transition Studio sketchbook and planner. We were especially devastated about all of the photos from our trip being gone and all of the filmed interviews Kim had completed for her graduate school practicum.

We both were pretty shaken and upset by the experience and the longer we stood on the sidewalk and realized how many cars were passing by the more frustrated we were that someone had of course seen the crime and not taken the time to report it. Andrew handled the whole thing pretty well and immediately went into action handling the situation. Kim, who is usually the level-headed one in times of trauma however was a mess.

After phone calls to the San Francisco Police Department, insurance companies, and parents we got ourselves together to drive back to the hotel in Oakland late that evening. We still had to unload the entire care since there was no window, do laundry, change our passwords on all our accounts, and numerous other housekeeping things. Neither of us slept good that night, which was especially frustrating since we were in such a nice hotel and that was the purpose of our two night stop there.

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