Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome!! Thanks for being interested!!

Hello everyone and thanks for following us around the country via blogspot! We've been interested in embarking on this journey together for a few years since some close buddies of ours [Lisa + Chris] did something similar at a transition time in their lives! We figured our life would never again be this simple, we missed our 5 year wedding anniversary trip to Europe that we were planning on, so we might as well seize the oppurtunity and take action! [It also worked out really well that Kim needed to do a series of interviews with sustainability organizations around the country for the good of Transition Studio and for her Master's degree practicum- Thanks Dave + Jayne + and other CJP folks!]

Special thanks to our families for being understanding as we miss some events [Anne's baby shower] and friends showers [Katherine + Ashley], and various other parts of peoples lives. A very special thanks to Jane [Kim's mom] for taking care of the two most special lives we are responsible for - Cotton & Cash! :0) [Hopefully they will behave for her and still love us when we get home!]

Our goal is to post at least every other day while we are on the road [if not more] with info about where we've been and photos from our journey! We hope you will follow us along the way! We are planning to depart EARLY tomorrow morning, so pray for safe travels and a fun and memorable time together!

1 comment:

  1. I pray for your safety. I am having trouble with this new technology. I wrote one post and I do not think it posted. I pray an angel will watch over your comings and goings. Trust the Lord. And Please Share Jesus with everyone. People parrish each day with out the relationship to go home. Share the good news Jesus Saves.
